Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Today I began an assignment for my kines. 710 class where we are supposed to subscribe to a website called bloglines. Bloglines is designed to save you times by having the sites you normal visit to check out news and other current events, send those articles directly to one site which you control. So instead of having to type in several different URL addresses you just go to bloglines and read all the articles you would normally read at several different sites. I found the site to look a little bit cluttered, but I'm sure with time I will grow used to the structure and become more comfortable with it. The idea of bloglines is very creative and I have to admit if used properly it could save me a lot of time. So I look forward to getting used to bloglines.

1 comment:

KParodi said...

I agree that the bloglines page looks cluttered. I am intersetd to see how that website works.